Enyway, hyur iz my April spteetsh
My huzbun an I wud liek tu fank yoo orl for orl yor supawt an kiend wishiz
durin this hopy dae.
Liek orl ov yoo, we havz trooly injoyd this speshul dae, the pomp, the
krowdz, the horsyz, (mor abowt them in a minit) the kostyoomz, the flowurz
(speshly the flowurz!) an moest ov orl the serimuny.
Didint yoo orl luv the dres? It woz luverly. Sow sheek, sow elygunt.
We woz a bit agast at sum ov the hatz. Wy wur thay werin saterlyt dishiz on
ther hedz? Nun ov them woz az gud az owur Royl hatz wot the slaev maykd for
us. Won lukd proply elygunt in yelo, didint yoo fink?
Them plaenz woz noyzy but it woz nies tu see the owl wonz bein put tu yoos
agen aftur orl theez yurz.
My huzbun wontz yoo orl tu no that he did NOT forl asleap in the midl ov it
orl. Wel, not for long, enywae. He ownly snawd a litl bit.
We had a skrumy biet tu eet befor them norty yungsturz nipd owt in ther
dadyz kar. Then we had a gud titur undur wonz hand wen thay wur praydin
arownd the palis growndz in it.
Now, bak tu them horsyz. Wot a norty lot thay ar. Thay doent yooz the
litur trae at orl! Thay just poo evrywer! Orl the karij weelz woz gowin
fru it an wen them pur pesintz woz uprowtshin the palis, I bet lotz ov em
steptid in it. It woz pongy tu. Not liek nies fraygrint bunny pooz wot iz
luvly. An then horsyz woz wontin tu binky, but the riedurz didint let them,
did thay? I sor won wot skiturd akros the roed tho. I bet that got him
intu trubl. The sowljur an the horsy. Thay iz nies them horsyz. I
pertiklerly liekd won ov them Winzer grayz wot woz pulin the hapy kupl in
ther karij. He woz very hansum. I just hoep my huzbun didint spot me
maykin Is at him. Tee hee! Thay karnt harf eet, tho. I undurstand thay kan
nosh orlmoest a hoel bael ov hay in a dae! Kor! Won fing I havz nowtisd
abowt them iz that thay ar orl upy-eer. Wy iz ther no lopz, thatz wot I wont
tu no. We ar tryin hard tu undurstand egzakly wot thay havz dun tu ther
taylz, but it iz puzlin.
Wel, dyur subjekz, it havz bean a long dae an my huzbun an I ar tyrd so we
ar gowin tu hav the nies forijin the slaev havz bean tu pik for us in the
churtshyard. The yungsturz iz havin sum sort ov neezup an I hoep thay will
orl injoy themselfz.
Kween Betty Winzer
Hyur iz the hatz wot the slaev maykd for us bunz tu wer on the dae. She korlz em fasinayturz
My sensibl huzbun rerfyoozd tu wer himz, but won lukd rarvur fetshin in wons fasinaytur az yoo kan see hyur
The bestist bit woz that we got tu eet em up pdq aftur...well aksherly dyoorin...the survis wen the slayvz attenshun woz elswer.
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