Gud afturnun, subjekz, Kweeny hyur aftur a prowlongd absins. Slaev havz fienly taykin a rest from wurk an let won at the pyootur.
She stoptid tu mayk won an wonz huzbun sum deelishus bunny bikyz, but du yoo no wot? She woent let won an won lik the boel! Us bunnurz korlz that rotin!
She havz mayd a mixtyur wot smels deelishus, evin tu hur unejyookaytid noez an it iz kurintly 'restin' in sum kling stuf in the frij befor she kukz it intu skrumy bikyz for won tu nom on.
She woz kreeaytiv tudae. This is wot she yoozd
Dri stuf
Wonz pelitz
Sum pelitz wot iz tu hard for won an won rerfyooziz tu eet
Sum pelitz wot Anty Jeri sent from Sweedin
Sum porij oatsiz (not meny ov thoez)
Sum gras meel
Sum ov wonz hae snippd up intu littl bitziz...she woz mownin abowt that coz she neely sniptid hur fingurz an she sed hur hand woz aykin from gripin the hae tu snip it...ther is lotz ov this ingreedyint...yum!
Sum ov wonz dryd dandylienz
Sum ov wonz dryd cowltzfut (not mutsh ov this ingreedyint...shaem!)
Orl ov theez fingz got wizd rownd an rownd very lowdly in the blendur fingy then dumpt in the mixin boel.
Gooy stuf
Harf ov a scrumy narnur...wonz mouf iz wartrin now
Sum chopt up apil
Sum snipt up bitz ov spring greenz...she moend preediktibl Saem az the hay.
Orl ov theez fingz got wizd rownd in the blendur fingy orlso an then mixtid in wif the dri stuf to klag it orl tugevur.
Wen she woz hapy wif wot she had dun (an won woz clymin up yur leg wontin tu help) she put it orl intu sum klingy filmy stuf and skwosht it tugevur then put it in the frij an she sez it havz got tu stae ther for a wiel then she wil roel it owt an kut it up an kuk it for won an won wif sum for wonz frenz the Jordy Gang tu.
Won karnt waet! But wy woent she let us - or rarvur WON - hav the mixin beol? Wot a swiz!
She sez this iz orl in practis for a riet Royl feest for wonz Joobly wot iz hapnin laytur this yur, an orlso for the Bunnylympikz wot won wil be owpnin erfishly wif a SPEETSH! Won iz bizy kompowzin. Wotsh this spaes.
By Royl Kermand
Kween Betty Winzer
and orlso
Mr Nutmeg Varmint Sir
The Pwins Wee-jent