Dyrist subjeks, at hoem, in owur Kominwelf an in the wydur world, I sendz yoo Royl greetinz this Krismis, 2011.
Wot a bizy yur wonz huzbun an I havz had. We wur pleezd wen the slaev startid duin sum propur wurk at last. Wot we didint reeliez at the tiem woz that she wud vircherly diserpeer! She woz a pur howskiepur orlredy but the Royl palis havz gon tu rek an roon now koz won kan bearly drag hur awa from hur kybord. Tap, tap, tap, orl dae long. Begin leturz, survayz, dokyoomintz, groopziz an 4umz. We havz tu stamp lotz just tu remiend hur tu get owt for sum forijin! We nowz it iz orl gud wurk for owur bunny subjekz, an it needz duin, but kan we hav hur bak for a fyoo minitz pur dae, pleez? Sheez not mutsh yoos, but sheez the ownly slaev weev got!
We hav towld hur she havz got tu taek a bit ov tiem orf tudae bekoz owur vidyo needid huplowdin tu yootyoob. We didint reeliez she hadint eevin put it tugevur so we put hur tu wurk this afturnune maykin it an uplowdin it. Wud yoo burleev we had tu mayk hur mayk it twies? She iz kwiet fik, so pleez hekskyooz the naemz ov the kamrerz hopyrin at the botim ov sum ov the pikshurz an moovy klipz. She had maed a riet mes the furst tiem but yoo wil be pleezd tu no that it iz shortur now an lotz mor intrestin. We hav instruktid hur tu put on a deesint sowndtrak. Yu kan fiend it hyur http://youtu.be/VM6rGbpA58s
We hav had a vairyd yur ov kors. The start ov it woz kowld but lotz ov fun. We did binkyin an tunilin an genrily maykin the Royl Palis rarvur kowld by insistin on kypin the bak dor owpin. Not unyoozhuly the yur seemz tu be endin evry bit az kowld in hyur an we iz spendin lotz ov tiem in frunt ov the fyur towstin wonselfs.
Ther woz lotz ov heksietmint in the sumur wif too Royl wedinz. Ther woz a very memribl foto in the meedyur ov me in my fasinaytur wot woz deelishus. Wonz huzbun sadly deekliend tu hav himz foto taykin wif hiz matshin won. It woz deelishus tu wif panzyz an rowsiz an dandylienz orl buwnd up wif bitz ov gras.
Ther havz been sad tiemz owvur the yur an we woz purtikyoolurly sadind tu hyur ov the urfkwaykz in Nyoo Zeelind an the fludz in the Filipynz wair wonz Anty Brigit stil havz hur famly
Famly ov kors iz very dyur tu won. Wer wud won be wifowt wonz huzbun? Wer wud won be wifowt wonz Anty Dottie an hur lot wot lukz aftur won and wonz huzbun wen the slaev gowz galurvantin? Wonz Anty Dottie iz kiend tu won an givz TREETZ an MOR PELITZ than the slaev duz. An won met an dyooly bit wonz Anty Jooly tu.
Wonz helf woz a bit dojy urlyur in the yur wen won had the slaev in a panik an had tu vizit a speshlist an spend a niet in hopsital, but wonz huzbun kaem owvur an keptid won kumpny, wich chyurd won up now end. Wonz pur tufurz gaev won sum greef an sow now the slaev havz tu get won wilo wot iz very taesty. She sez she iz riskin hur liburty wen she pikziz it but she kan stop moenin. I yam the Kween. Thay wud not daer put owur slaev in klink. The Kween havz spowkin. Orf wif ther hedz!
We hav been very chyurd wen orl the onlien Antyz and Unkilz woz konsurnd ynuf tu send us gud wishiz wen won woz undur the wevur. It just shoez how mutsh a strong an konsistint monark is hopreeshyaytid.
We woz not sow hopy wen a norty gasman wos rood tu the slaev and put wonz Royl saefty in jepurdy by standin wif the dor owpin. We hinstruktid the slaev tu see him orf the premisis. Wel reely we wontid tu hav himz hed chopt orf but that mietuv maed a bit ov a mes on wonz karpit.
We hav bene hintrestid in the gowinz on ov guvurmentz and wotnot. Thay orl seme helbent on maykin a mes ov evryfin, but ov kors that is yoosyul for polytishunz. We towldid Mr Kamrin tu sort owt them Yooro fingyz an woz pleezd he had taykin a strong stand but he seemz tu hav orlmoest korzd a hinturnashnul hinsidint. O dyur!
We kloez wif very best wishiz for a spydy rekuvry for the huzbun ov the uvur Kween Betty wot iz in hopsital tudae wen he must shooly wont tu be owt wif himz famly. He havz bean havin a metil fing put in himz artry. It must be skafowldin or sumfin. But he iz a tuf owld boy an we ar shoor he wil be fien an bak tu maykin orlmiety gafz in now tiem flat. Fank gudnes wonz own huzbun havz rarvur les tu sae for himz-self or the Royl Monarky miet be in a bit ov trubil.
My huzbun an I wish orl owur subjekz orl the very bestist of seezinz greetinz an hoep that 2012 wil be a wundurful yur for us orl.
Hur Royl Hoppiness
Kween Betty Winzer
an hur konsort
the Pwins Wee-jint
Mr Nutmeg Varmint Sir